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The Holiday Spirit Lives at RappCats

Updated: Dec 24, 2020

The Adventures of Weisie & The RappCats!

Season's Greetings Everyone!

The holidays remind us to spread cheer, seek our "comfort and joy," and to extend goodwill to those around us.

Volunteering at RappCats brings out that spirit year-round. You can't be in the company of cats and kittens without feeling good! If you're looking for more holiday spirit in your life, you can find it at our shelter. Give us a call or send an email and we'll tell you more. We're at (540) 987-6050 or

...Dr. Deb

Greetings, Weisie!

Hope there's a big ole Christmas tree where you are and all the ornaments are your favorite kind (breakable)!

We're super busy this time of year and I have lots of new cats to show you!

We're thrilled that our adoption numbers are way up! Our adopters are wonderful people and we applaud them all!

So come along and meet our newbies and help celebrate all the cats who will have a true "Home for the Holidays"!



Lola is a beauty. She is curious and friendly and trying hard to get past her bit of shyness.

Lola has a sweet, soft meow she uses to greet you.

She likes to rub up against your legs and prefers if you sit at her level for petting.


Bugsy is a silly gal who enjoys playing and exploring every corner of the room.

She loves ear scratches and pets and - when she is in the mood - likes to sit on your lap for these luxuries.


Birdie is pure sweetness. She's a little thing with big, beautiful eyes.

Birdie adores affection. She is brand new, so she's still shy, but she can't help herself - when you reach out to her she purrs and rolls over and is obviously in heaven.

It won't be long before she's asking for the loving, not waiting for it to come to her. What a lovely companion she's going to make someone!


Bean has the most amazing eyes and expressions. Her markings are distinct and rich - she's quite a beauty, but very modest about it!

This girl will let you love on her, or if you prefer, she's always happy to play!

She's the best of both worlds - content to entertain herself, but also ready for your attention.

Help Us Celebrate Adoptions!


Sophie was adopted so fast we never even had time to introduce her to you!

This gal was stunning, and as sweet as she was beautiful.

We're really happy she was appreciated so quickly.


Prince was another arrival who didn't stay long.

We weren't surprised.

Prince was sweet and mellow - everybody's friend!

He's surely a loving addition to his new forever home.


Who could resist those eyes?

Jetta was a fun-loving young cat who played with anything that moved.

Now she's in the perfect home,

where she can grow up along side a little boy who will love and keep up with her!


Shorty and RappCats had quite the adventure together!

Shorty was a "talker" from day one. He meowed, he chirruped, he warbled.

He talked when he was happy, sleepy, bored, or had a complaint.

In the video below, he's sitting on my lap telling me his latest complaint.

Watch what happens!

When this video was posted to Twitter, it went viral, with over 100,000 views!

Everyone fell in love with Shorty.

People from near and far wanted to adopt him (Texas, Canada, England, Scotland!).

Since he was so lovable, we had fun with a "campaign" for Shorty to be the first rescue cat in the White House!

(Butch apparently thought HE should be First Cat!)

Well, Shorty didn't make it to the White House (except for the one at RappCats) but he made it to the perfect forever home with the young couple pictured above!

And, we've learned the new administration has in fact adopted the first rescue cat! We hope that highlights how great rescue kitties are,

and helps cats and shelters everywhere.

Well, Weisie, you can tell it was a busy and rewarding month. I hope you enjoyed seeing our recent arrivals and our new adoptions!

Meow for now! Kitty kisses...and season's blessings...

RappCats relies entirely on private donations

from animal lovers like you.

We can't do what we do without your support.

Please send this blog to your friends & family, and post it on social media so others will understand our work, and can choose to support RappCats.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Donations in the form of checks and money orders are also accepted and can be sent to:

RappCats P.O. Box 307 Washington, VA 22747

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Always log into Amazon via to be sure your purchases count!

Simply select RappCats as your donation organization.

These small amounts add up, and make a difference to our cats!

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