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Meow! The Blog is Back!

The Adventures of The RappCats!

Hi Everyone!

It's been awhile since the last blog and I'm glad to be back! Nothing like tendonitis to put a crimp in writing (but I did discover that a wrist brace is a good protection from cat scratches)!

So much has been happening at the shelter. We are busier than EVER! We rescued and fostered about 40 kittens this spring, some from pregnant strays and some who were orphans. They were all adorable and many still need homes, so call us if a kitten is in your future!

We've had more adoptions year-to-date than all of 2021 - and it's still summer! Tabbies, Torties, Russian Blues, Manx, Bobtails, Gingers, Calicos, Tuxedos, Maine Coons and more! If you haven't visited for awhile, come see us!

...Dr. Deb

PS - Remember to check us out on social media for lots of positive vibes and good news (for a change!)

We post videos and photos several times a day:

And we have an active FaceBook page:


Meet Some of Our Adopted RappCats!

A prospective adopter wisely visits with each cat. He & his wife decided to adopt two: Chipmunk (in the background in this photo) and Duncan.

This precious kitten and her mom were meant for each other! This was one of Lilly's babies, another pregnant stray we fostered this spring. Our fosters provide a wonderful service: a safe environment, vet trips, and lots of socialization. We always need more fosters!

Rudy2Shoes was adopted along with three other RappCats!

Here he's with Dad & Grandma living the good life!

Greer was another member of the "Gang of Four" adopted the same day. She was rescued as a pregnant stray and gave birth to 6 healthy & adorable kittens.

It was love at first sight between Greer and the daughter of her new family!

Lia was a special needs cat. She was older and required daily medicine. Her new mom said ,"No problem!"

Boo was adopted into a family who already had a cat named Boo!

So she got a wonderful new name: Faith.

We think that fits her perfectly!

Missy's new Mom saw her picture on PetFinders and adored her from the start. Looks like Missy has stolen the hearts of everyone in the family.

Sometimes visitors are interested in a specific cat they saw on our website. But then, when they arrive, a different cat claims them (and steals their heart).

That's what happened with Angel and her new Mom.

It's always good to listen with your heart!

Duke's new Mom fell for him right away. This big boy had an unusual head tilt that some potential adopters were put off by.

His adopter saw beyond that.

Duke loves his new home. He adores his new mom and has become great pals with the home's "pre-existing" cat!

Adoptions are pure joy! This visitor made a strong connection with the first cat she saw! She brought her husband for the next visit and they left with two young cats who had been roommates and buddies! Double fun and love!

Another double adoption! These two youngsters were almost identical. Their new Mom had no intention of separating them. She says these two sleek panthers have brought great companionship to her and they love it when the grandchildren visit and become their playmates.

Tux was our longest resident at RappCats, and his new family couldn't bear the thought of him having to stay even longer. It was time for a home! Tux waitied a long time but he eventually hit the jackpot! He's got a loving Mom & Dad and he even likes his new doggie siblings! (Guess who's the boss?)

Kittens and kids are a natural pairing! These two little girls are going to have years of fun sharing the adventures of their kitties. Just imagine the tea parties and dress-up days!

...and here's the final adoption I'll share with you t

This is George. We knew he'd need a special adopter because he was older than most of our cats and he was FIV positive. He found exactly the right person! George adores his new Mom and also his new fur-brother. He's now known as Simon. His brother - of course - is Garfunkel!

These were just a FEW of our 2022 adoptions!

We have many heartwarming stories to share.

Stay tuned - in our next blog you'll meet "Colby, the Trucker Cat"!

Meow for now! Kitty kisses!

RappCats relies entirely on private donations

from animal lovers like you.

We can't do what we do without your support.

Please send this blog to your friends & family, and post it on social media so others will understand our work, and can choose to support RappCats.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Donations in the form of checks and money orders are also accepted and can be sent to:

RappCats P.O. Box 307 Washington, VA 22747

AmazonSmile donates 0.5% of eligible purchases to RappCats.

Always log into Amazon via to be sure your purchases count!

Simply select RappCats as your donation organization.

These small amounts add up, and make a difference to our cats!

We also have a supply "Wish List" on Chewy's website.

Click on their logo below if you'd like to see what we currently need.


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